About Us
What We Do:
We believe that the very best way to love your neighborhood is to plant yourself deeply into your place. As we live, work, and play in our place, we begin to see the good that is already happening and how we might be a part of it!
We currently have several global initiatives - including in our hometown of Newton, Kansas! We believe that the best people to love and serve their neighborhood are those that already know their neighborhood because they live there! So we seek to partner with people who have a passion for their place and equip them to more effectively engage their place for good.

Who We Are
So Shine exists to increase the health and vitality of the neighborhoods we serve through education, mentoring, life-skills training, and community development.
We are a small nonprofit located in Newton, Kansas. Our primary initiatives are in the neighborhoods of our hometown because this is the place we know best! Years of listening and learning have led us to create a third place on Main Street - Norm's Coffee Bar! This self-sustaining nonprofit business model has then birthed an after school program and a weekly community dinner, among other local ministries.
We have global partnerships in Asia and Europe as well. We partner with like-minded people on the ground in those initiatives to provide encouragement and support as they seek to increase the health and vitality of their neighborhoods.